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CONFIG_INTEL_CHTWC_INT33FE: Intel Cherry Trail Whiskey Cove ACPI INT33FE Driver

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_INTEL_CHTWC_INT33FE:

Help text

This driver add support for the Intel Cherry Trail Whiskey Cove INT33FE ACPI device found on the GPD win and the GPD pocket.

The INT33FE ACPI device on these mini laptops contains I2cSerialBusV2 resources for a MAX17042 Fuel Gauge, FUSB302 USB Type-C Controller and PI3USB30532 USB switch. This driver instantiates i2c-clients for these, so that standard i2c drivers for these chips can bind to the them.

If you enable this driver it is advised to also select TYPEC_FUSB302=m, TYPEC_MUX_PI3USB30532=m and BATTERY_MAX17042=m.



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