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CONFIG_INTEL_CHT_INT33FE: Intel Cherry Trail ACPI INT33FE Driver

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_INTEL_CHT_INT33FE has multiple definitions:

Intel Cherry Trail ACPI INT33FE Driver found in drivers/platform/x86/intel/int33fe/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_INTEL_CHT_INT33FE:

Help text

This driver add support for the INT33FE ACPI device found on some Intel Cherry Trail devices.

There are two kinds of INT33FE ACPI device possible: for hardware with USB Type-C and Micro-B connectors. This driver supports both.

The INT33FE ACPI device has a CRS table with I2cSerialBusV2 resources for Fuel Gauge Controller and (in the Type-C variant) FUSB302 USB Type-C Controller and PI3USB30532 USB switch. This driver instantiates i2c-clients for these, so that standard i2c drivers for these chips can bind to the them.

If you enable this driver it is advised to also select BATTERY_BQ27XXX=m or BATTERY_BQ27XXX_I2C=m for Micro-B device and TYPEC_FUSB302=m and BATTERY_MAX17042=m for Type-C device.

Intel Cherry Trail ACPI INT33FE Driver found in drivers/platform/x86/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_INTEL_CHT_INT33FE:

Help text

This driver add support for the INT33FE ACPI device found on some Intel Cherry Trail devices.

There are two kinds of INT33FE ACPI device possible: for hardware with USB Type-C and Micro-B connectors. This driver supports both.

The INT33FE ACPI device has a CRS table with I2cSerialBusV2 resources for Fuel Gauge Controller and (in the Type-C variant) FUSB302 USB Type-C Controller and PI3USB30532 USB switch. This driver instantiates i2c-clients for these, so that standard i2c drivers for these chips can bind to the them.

If you enable this driver it is advised to also select BATTERY_BQ27XXX=m or BATTERY_BQ27XXX_I2C=m for Micro-B device and TYPEC_FUSB302=m and BATTERY_MAX17042=m for Type-C device.



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