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General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_IPU_BRIDGE has multiple definitions:

Intel IPU Bridge found in drivers/media/pci/intel/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_IPU_BRIDGE:

Help text

The IPU bridge is a helper library for Intel IPU drivers to function on systems shipped with Windows.

Currently used by the ipu3-cio2 and atomisp drivers.

Supported systems include:

- Microsoft Surface models (except Surface Pro 3) - The Lenovo Miix line (for example the 510, 520, 710 and 720) - Dell 7285

found in drivers/media/pci/intel/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_IPU_BRIDGE:

Help text

This is a helper module for the IPU bridge, which can be used by ipu3 and other drivers. In order to handle module dependencies, this is selected by each driver that needs it.



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