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CONFIG_MEDIA_SUBDRV_AUTOSELECT: Autoselect ancillary drivers (tuners, sensors, i2c, spi, frontends)

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_MEDIA_SUBDRV_AUTOSELECT has multiple definitions:

Autoselect ancillary drivers (tuners, sensors, i2c, spi, frontends) found in drivers/media/Kconfig


Help text

By default, a media driver auto-selects all possible ancillary devices such as tuners, sensors, video encoders/decoders and frontends, that are used by any of the supported devices.

This is generally the right thing to do, except when there are strict constraints with regards to the kernel size, like on embedded systems.

Use this option with care, as deselecting ancillary drivers which are, in fact, necessary will result in the lack of the needed functionality for your device (it may not tune or may not have the needed demodulators).

If unsure say Y.

Autoselect ancillary drivers (tuners, sensors, i2c, frontends) found in drivers/media/Kconfig


Help text

By default, a media driver auto-selects all possible ancillary devices such as tuners, sensors, video encoders/decoders and frontends, that are used by any of the supported devices.

This is generally the right thing to do, except when there are strict constraints with regards to the kernel size, like on embedded systems.

Use this option with care, as deselecting ancillary drivers which are, in fact, necessary will result in the lack of the needed functionality for your device (it may not tune or may not have the needed demodulators).

If unsure say Y.

Autoselect tuners and i2c modules to build found in drivers/media/Kconfig


Help text

By default, a media driver auto-selects all possible i2c devices that are used by any of the supported devices.

This is generally the right thing to do, except when there are strict constraints with regards to the kernel size, like on embedded systems.

Use this option with care, as deselecting ancillary drivers which are, in fact, necessary will result in the lack of the needed functionality for your device (it may not tune or may not have the need demodulers).

If unsure say Y.



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