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CONFIG_MOVABLE_NODE: Enable to assign a node which has only movable memory

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_MOVABLE_NODE:

Help text

Allow a node to have only movable memory. Pages used by the kernel, such as direct mapping pages cannot be migrated. So the corresponding memory device cannot be hotplugged. This option allows the following two things: - When the system is booting, node full of hotpluggable memory can be arranged to have only movable memory so that the whole node can be hot-removed. (need movable_node boot option specified). - After the system is up, the option allows users to online all the memory of a node as movable memory so that the whole node can be hot-removed.

Users who don't use the memory hotplug feature are fine with this option on since they don't specify movable_node boot option or they don't online memory as movable.

Say Y here if you want to hotplug a whole node. Say N here if you want kernel to use memory on all nodes evenly.



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