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CONFIG_MTD_CSTM_MIPS_IXX: Flash chip mapping on ITE QED-4N-S01B, Globespan IVR or custom board

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_MTD_CSTM_MIPS_IXX:

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This provides a mapping driver for the Integrated Technology Express, Inc (ITE) QED-4N-S01B eval board and the Globespan IVR Reference Board. It provides the necessary addressing, length, buswidth, vpp code and addition setup of the flash device for these boards. In addition, this mapping driver can be used for other boards via setting of the MTD_CSTM_MIPS_IXX_START/ LEN/BUSWIDTH parameters. This mapping will provide one mtd device using one partition. The start address can be offset from the beginning of flash and the len can be less than the total flash device size to allow a window into the flash. Both CFI and JEDEC probes are called.



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