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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_PHONE_IXJ_PCMCIA
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_PHONE_IXJ_PCMCIA:
, ixj_pcmcia
Say Y here to configure in PCMCIA service support for the Quicknet cards manufactured by Quicknet Technologies, Inc. This changes the card initialization code to work with the card manager daemon.
The configuration item CONFIG_PHONE_IXJ_PCMCIA:
, ixj_pcmcia
Say Y here to configure in PCMCIA service support for the Quicknet cards manufactured by Quicknet Technologies, Inc. This changes the card initialization code to work with the card manager daemon.
Raw data from LKDDb:
lkddb module ixj_pcmcia CONFIG_PHONE_IXJ_PCMCIA : drivers/staging/telephony/Kconfig : "QuickNet Internet LineJack/PhoneJack PCMCIA support" # in 3.4–3.7
lkddb module ixj_pcmcia CONFIG_PHONE_IXJ_PCMCIA : drivers/telephony/Kconfig : "QuickNet Internet LineJack/PhoneJack PCMCIA support" # in 2.5.45–2.5.75, 2.6.0–2.6.39, 3.0–3.3
lkddb pcmcia 0257 0600 .. .. .. "" "" "" "" : CONFIG_PHONE CONFIG_PHONE_IXJ_PCMCIA : drivers/telephony/ixj_pcmcia.c # in 2.6.13–2.6.39, 3.0–3.3
lkddb pcmcia 0257 0600 .. .. .. "" "" "" "" : CONFIG_PHONE CONFIG_PHONE_IXJ_PCMCIA CONFIG_STAGING : drivers/staging/telephony/ixj_pcmcia.c # in 3.4–3.7
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