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General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_RTC_DRV_AT91SAM9 has multiple definitions:

AT91SAM9 RTT as RTC found in drivers/rtc/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_RTC_DRV_AT91SAM9:

Help text

Some AT91SAM9 SoCs provide an RTT (Real Time Timer) block which can be used as an RTC thanks to the backup power supply (e.g. a small coin cell battery) which keeps this block and the GPBR (General Purpose Backup Registers) block powered when the device is shutdown. Some AT91SAM9 SoCs provide a real RTC block, on those ones you'd probably want to use the real RTC block instead of the "RTT as an RTC" driver.

AT91SAM9x/AT91CAP9 RTT as RTC found in drivers/rtc/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_RTC_DRV_AT91SAM9:

Help text

RTC driver for the Atmel AT91SAM9x and AT91CAP9 internal RTT (Real Time Timer). These timers are powered by the backup power supply (such as a small coin cell battery), but do not need to be used as RTCs.

(On AT91SAM9rl and AT91SAM9G45 chips you probably want to use the dedicated RTC module and leave the RTT available for other uses.)

AT91SAM9x/AT91CAP9 found in drivers/rtc/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_RTC_DRV_AT91SAM9:

Help text

RTC driver for the Atmel AT91SAM9x and AT91CAP9 internal RTT (Real Time Timer). These timers are powered by the backup power supply (such as a small coin cell battery), but do not need to be used as RTCs.

(On AT91SAM9rl chips you probably want to use the dedicated RTC module and leave the RTT available for other uses.)

AT91SAM9x found in drivers/rtc/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_RTC_DRV_AT91SAM9:

Help text

RTC driver for the Atmel AT91SAM9x internal RTT (Real Time Timer). These timers are powered by the backup power supply (such as a small coin cell battery), but do not need to be used as RTCs.

(On AT91SAM9rl chips you probably want to use the dedicated RTC module and leave the RTT available for other uses.)



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