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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_SENSORS_LIS3LV02D
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_SENSORS_LIS3LV02D:
, lis3lv02d
, lis3lv02d
The configuration item CONFIG_SENSORS_LIS3LV02D:
, lis3lv02d
, lis3lv02d
This driver provides support for the LIS3* accelerometers, such as the LIS3LV02DL or the LIS331DL. In particular, it can be found in a number of HP laptops, which have the "Mobile Data Protection System 3D" or "3D DriveGuard" feature. On such systems the driver should load automatically (via ACPI alias). The accelerometer might also be found in other systems, connected via SPI or I2C. The accelerometer data is readable via /sys/devices/platform/lis3lv02d.
This driver also provides an absolute input class device, allowing a laptop to act as a pinball machine-esque joystick. It provides also a misc device which can be used to detect free-fall. On HP laptops, if the led infrastructure is activated, support for a led indicating disk protection will be provided as hp::hddprotect. For more information on the feature, refer to Documentation/hwmon/lis3lv02d.
This driver can also be built as modules. If so, the core module will be called lis3lv02d and a specific module for HP laptops will be called hp_accel.
Say Y here if you have an applicable laptop and want to experience the awesome power of lis3lv02d.
The configuration item CONFIG_SENSORS_LIS3LV02D:
, lis3lv02d
, lis3lv02d
This driver provides support for the LIS3LV02Dx accelerometer. In particular, it can be found in a number of HP laptops, which have the "Mobile Data Protection System 3D" or "3D DriveGuard" feature. On such systems the driver should load automatically (via ACPI). The accelerometer might also be found in other systems, connected via SPI or I2C. The accelerometer data is readable via /sys/devices/platform/lis3lv02d.
This driver also provides an absolute input class device, allowing the laptop to act as a pinball machine-esque joystick. On HP laptops, if the led infrastructure is activated, support for a led indicating disk protection will be provided as hp:red:hddprotection.
This driver can also be built as modules. If so, the core module will be called lis3lv02d and a specific module for HP laptops will be called hp_accel.
Say Y here if you have an applicable laptop and want to experience the awesome power of lis3lv02d.
Raw data from LKDDb:
lkddb acpi "HPQ0004" : CONFIG_HWMON CONFIG_SENSORS_LIS3LV02D : drivers/hwmon/hp_accel.c # in 2.6.29–2.6.38
lkddb acpi "HPQ0004" : CONFIG_HWMON CONFIG_SENSORS_LIS3LV02D : drivers/hwmon/lis3lv02d.c # in 2.6.28
lkddb module hp_accel CONFIG_SENSORS_LIS3LV02D : drivers/hwmon/Kconfig : "STMicroeletronics LIS3* three-axis digital accelerometer" # in 2.6.29–2.6.38
lkddb module lis3lv02d CONFIG_SENSORS_LIS3LV02D : drivers/hwmon/Kconfig : "STMicroeletronics LIS3* three-axis digital accelerometer" # in 2.6.28–2.6.38
lkddb module lis3lv02d CONFIG_SENSORS_LIS3LV02D : drivers/misc/Kconfig : "" # in 2.6.39, 3.0–3.19, 4.0–4.20, 5.0–5.19, 6.0–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
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