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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_SENSORS_VIA_CPUTEMP
If you say yes here you get support for the temperature sensor inside your CPU. Supported are all known variants of the VIA C7 and Nano.
Raw data from LKDDb:
lkddb module via-cputemp CONFIG_SENSORS_VIA_CPUTEMP : drivers/hwmon/Kconfig : "VIA CPU temperature sensor" # in 2.6.33–2.6.39, 3.0–3.19, 4.0–4.20, 5.0–5.19, 6.0–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
lkddb platform "via_cputemp" : CONFIG_HWMON CONFIG_SENSORS_VIA_CPUTEMP : drivers/hwmon/via-cputemp.c # in 2.6.33–2.6.39, 3.0–3.19, 4.0–4.20, 5.0–5.19, 6.0–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
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