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CONFIG_SND_ICE1724: ICE/VT1724/1720 (Envy24HT/PT)

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_SND_ICE1724 has multiple definitions:

ICE/VT1724/1720 (Envy24HT/PT) found in sound/pci/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_SND_ICE1724:

Help text

Say Y here to include support for soundcards based on ICE/VT1724/1720 (Envy24HT/PT) chips.

Currently supported hardware is: AMP AUDIO2000; M-Audio Revolution 5.1, 7.1, Audiophile 192; TerraTec Aureon 5.1 Sky, 7.1 Space/Universe, Phase 22/28; Onkyo SE-90PCI, SE-200PCI; AudioTrak Prodigy 192, 7.1 (HIFI/LT/XT), HD2; Hercules Fortissimo IV; ESI Juli@; Pontis MS300; EGO-SYS WaveTerminal 192M; Albatron K8X800 Pro II; Chaintech ZNF3-150/250, 9CJS, AV-710; Shuttle SN25P; Philips PSC724 Ultimate Edge.

To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module will be called snd-ice1724.

ICE/VT1724 (Envy24HT) found in sound/pci/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_SND_ICE1724:

Help text

Say 'Y' or 'M' to include support for ICE/VT1724 (Envy24HT) based soundcards. Currently supported hardware is: MidiMan M Audio - Revolution 7.1, AMP Ltd AUDIO2000.



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