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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_SPEAKUP_SYNTH_DECPC
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_SPEAKUP_SYNTH_DECPC:
, speakup_decpc
This is the Speakup driver for the DecTalk PC (full length ISA) synthesizer. You can say m to build it as a module. See the configuration help on the Speakup choice above for more info.
In order to use the DecTalk PC driver, you must download the dec_pc.tgz file from It is in the pub/linux/goodies directory. The dec_pc.tgz file contains the software which must be pre-loaded on to the DecTalk PC board in order to use it with this driver. This driver must be built as a module, and can not be loaded until the file system is mounted and the DecTalk PC software has been pre-loaded on to the board.
See the README file in the dec_pc.tgz file for more details.
The configuration item CONFIG_SPEAKUP_SYNTH_DECPC:
, speakup_decpc
This is the Speakup driver for the DecTalk PC (full length ISA) synthesizer. You can say m to build it as a module. See the configuration help on the Speakup choice above for more info.
In order to use the DecTalk PC driver, you must download the dec_pc.tgz file from It is in the pub/linux/goodies directory. The dec_pc.tgz file contains the software which must be pre-loaded on to the DecTalk PC board in order to use it with this driver. This driver must be built as a module, and can not be loaded until the file system is mounted and the DecTalk PC software has been pre-loaded on to the board.
See the README file in the dec_pc.tgz file for more details.
Raw data from LKDDb:
lkddb module speakup_decpc CONFIG_SPEAKUP_SYNTH_DECPC : drivers/accessibility/speakup/Kconfig : "DECtalk PC (big ISA card) synthesizer support" # in 5.9–5.19, 6.0–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
lkddb module speakup_decpc CONFIG_SPEAKUP_SYNTH_DECPC : drivers/staging/speakup/Kconfig : "DECtalk PC (big ISA card) synthesizer support" # in 2.6.37–2.6.39, 3.0–3.19, 4.0–4.20, 5.0–5.8
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