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CONFIG_SPI_DW_BT1: Baikal-T1 SPI driver for DW SPI core

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_SPI_DW_BT1:

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Baikal-T1 SoC is equipped with three DW APB SSI-based MMIO SPI controllers. Two of them are pretty much normal: with IRQ, DMA, FIFOs of 64 words depth, 4x CSs, but the third one as being a part of the Baikal-T1 System Boot Controller has got a very limited resources: no IRQ, no DMA, only a single native chip-select and Tx/Rx FIFO with just 8 words depth available. The later one is normally connected to an external SPI-nor flash of 128Mb (in general can be of bigger size).



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