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CONFIG_STX104: Apex Embedded Systems STX104 driver

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_STX104 has multiple definitions:

Apex Embedded Systems STX104 driver found in drivers/iio/addac/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_STX104:

Help text

Say yes here to build support for the Apex Embedded Systems STX104 integrated analog PC/104 card.

This driver supports the 16 channels of single-ended (8 channels of differential) analog inputs, 2 channels of analog output, 4 digital inputs, and 4 digital outputs provided by the STX104.

The base port addresses for the devices may be configured via the base array module parameter.

Apex Embedded Systems STX104 driver found in drivers/iio/adc/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_STX104:

Help text

Say yes here to build support for the Apex Embedded Systems STX104 integrated analog PC/104 card.

This driver supports the 16 channels of single-ended (8 channels of differential) analog inputs, 2 channels of analog output, 4 digital inputs, and 4 digital outputs provided by the STX104.

The base port addresses for the devices may be configured via the base array module parameter.

Apex Embedded Systems STX104 DAC driver found in drivers/iio/dac/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_STX104:

Help text

Say yes here to build support for the 2-channel DAC and GPIO on the Apex Embedded Systems STX104 integrated analog PC/104 card. The base port addresses for the devices may be configured via the base array module parameter.



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