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CONFIG_SURFACE_PLATFORM_PROFILE: Surface Platform Profile Driver

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_SURFACE_PLATFORM_PROFILE:

Help text

Provides support for the ACPI platform profile on 5th- and later generation Microsoft Surface devices.

More specifically, this driver provides ACPI platform profile support on Microsoft Surface devices with a Surface System Aggregator Module (SSAM) connected via the Surface Serial Hub (SSH / SAM-over-SSH). In other words, this driver provides platform profile support on the Surface Pro 5, Surface Book 2, Surface Laptop, Surface Laptop Go and later. On those devices, the platform profile can significantly influence cooling behavior, e.g. setting it to 'quiet' (default) or 'low-power' can significantly limit performance of the discrete GPU on Surface Books, while in turn leading to lower power consumption and/or less fan noise.

Select M or Y here, if you want to include ACPI platform profile support on the above mentioned devices.



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