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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_THEAD_TH1520_MBOX
Mailbox driver implementation for the Thead TH-1520 platform. Enables two cores within the SoC to communicate and coordinate by passing messages. Could be used to communicate between E910 core, on which the kernel is running, and E902 core used for power management among other things.
Raw data from LKDDb:
lkddb module mailbox-th1520 CONFIG_THEAD_TH1520_MBOX : drivers/mailbox/Kconfig : "T-head TH1520 Mailbox" # in 6.13–6.14
lkddb of "" "" "thead,th1520-mbox" : CONFIG_MAILBOX CONFIG_THEAD_TH1520_MBOX : drivers/mailbox/mailbox-th1520.c # in 6.13–6.14
lkddb platform "th1520-mbox" : CONFIG_MAILBOX CONFIG_THEAD_TH1520_MBOX : drivers/mailbox/mailbox-th1520.c # in 6.13–6.14
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