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CONFIG_USB_MSM_OTG: Qualcomm on-chip USB OTG controller support

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_USB_MSM_OTG has multiple definitions:

Qualcomm on-chip USB OTG controller support found in drivers/usb/phy/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_USB_MSM_OTG:

Help text

Enable this to support the USB OTG transceiver on Qualcomm chips. It handles PHY initialization, clock management, and workarounds required after resetting the hardware and power management. This driver is required even for peripheral only or host only mode configurations. This driver is not supported on boards like trout which has an external PHY.

OTG support for Qualcomm on-chip USB controller found in drivers/usb/phy/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_USB_MSM_OTG:

Help text

Enable this to support the USB OTG transceiver on MSM chips. It handles PHY initialization, clock management, and workarounds required after resetting the hardware and power management. This driver is required even for peripheral only or host only mode configurations. This driver is not supported on boards like trout which has an external PHY.

OTG support for Qualcomm on-chip USB controller found in drivers/usb/otg/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_USB_MSM_OTG:

Help text

Enable this to support the USB OTG transceiver on MSM chips. It handles PHY initialization, clock management, and workarounds required after resetting the hardware and power management. This driver is required even for peripheral only or host only mode configurations. This driver is not supported on boards like trout which has an external PHY.



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