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CONFIG_USB_WUSB_CBAF: Support WUSB Cable Based Association (CBA)

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_USB_WUSB_CBAF has multiple definitions:

Support WUSB Cable Based Association (CBA) found in drivers/staging/wusbcore/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_USB_WUSB_CBAF:

Help text

Some WUSB devices support Cable Based Association. It's used to enable the secure communication between the host and the device.

Enable this option if your WUSB device must to be connected via wired USB before establishing a wireless link.

It is safe to select even if you don't have a compatible hardware.

Support WUSB Cable Based Association (CBA) found in drivers/usb/wusbcore/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_USB_WUSB_CBAF:

Help text

Some WUSB devices support Cable Based Association. It's used to enable the secure communication between the host and the device.

Enable this option if your WUSB device must to be connected via wired USB before establishing a wireless link.

It is safe to select even if you don't have a compatible hardware.



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