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CONFIG_X86_PM_TIMER: Power Management Timer Support

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_X86_PM_TIMER has multiple definitions:

Power Management Timer Support found in drivers/acpi/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_X86_PM_TIMER:

Help text

The Power Management Timer is available on all ACPI-capable, in most cases even if ACPI is unusable or blacklisted.

This timing source is not affected by power management features like aggressive processor idling, throttling, frequency and/or voltage scaling, unlike the commonly used Time Stamp Counter (TSC) timing source.

You should nearly always say Y here because many modern systems require this timer.

PM timer found in arch/x86_64/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_X86_PM_TIMER:

Help text

Support the ACPI PM timer for time keeping. This is slow, but is useful on some chipsets without HPET on systems with more than one CPU. On a single processor or single socket multi core system it is normally not required. When the PM timer is active 64bit vsyscalls are disabled and should not be enabled (/proc/sys/kernel/vsyscall64 should not be changed). The kernel selects the PM timer only as a last resort, so it is useful to enable just in case.



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