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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_DEVTMPFS
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_DEVTMPFS:
This creates a tmpfs/ramfs filesystem instance early at bootup. In this filesystem, the kernel driver core maintains device nodes with their default names and permissions for all registered devices with an assigned major/minor number. Userspace can modify the filesystem content as needed, add symlinks, and apply needed permissions. It provides a fully functional /dev directory, where usually udev runs on top, managing permissions and adding meaningful symlinks. In very limited environments, it may provide a sufficient functional /dev without any further help. It also allows simple rescue systems, and reliably handles dynamic major/minor numbers.
Notice: if TMPFS isn't enabled, the simpler ramfs file system will be used instead.
The configuration item CONFIG_DEVTMPFS:
This creates a tmpfs filesystem, and mounts it at bootup and mounts it at /dev. The kernel driver core creates device nodes for all registered devices in that filesystem. All device nodes are owned by root and have the default mode of 0600. Userspace can add and delete the nodes as needed. This is intended to simplify bootup, and make it possible to delay the initial coldplug at bootup done by udev in userspace. It should also provide a simpler way for rescue systems to bring up a kernel with dynamic major/minor numbers. Meaningful symlinks, permissions and device ownership must still be handled by userspace. If unsure, say N here.
Raw data from LKDDb:
lkddb fs "devtmpfs" : CONFIG_DEVTMPFS : drivers/base/devtmpfs.c # in 2.6.32–2.6.39, 3.0–3.19, 4.0–4.20, 5.0–5.19, 6.0–6.14
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