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CONFIG_104_QUAD_8: ACCES 104-QUAD-8 driver

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_104_QUAD_8 has multiple definitions:

ACCES 104-QUAD-8 driver found in drivers/counter/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_104_QUAD_8:

Help text

Say yes here to build support for the ACCES 104-QUAD-8 quadrature encoder counter/interface device family (104-QUAD-8, 104-QUAD-4).

A counter's respective error flag may be cleared by performing a write operation on the respective count value attribute. The 104-QUAD-8 counters may be set either directly or via the counter's preset attribute.

The base port addresses for the devices may be configured via the base array module parameter. The interrupt line numbers for the devices may be configured via the irq array module parameter.

ACCES 104-QUAD-8 driver found in drivers/iio/counter/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_104_QUAD_8:

Help text

Say yes here to build support for the ACCES 104-QUAD-8 quadrature encoder counter/interface device family (104-QUAD-8, 104-QUAD-4).

Performing a write to a counter's IIO_CHAN_INFO_RAW sets the counter and also clears the counter's respective error flag. Although the counters have a 25-bit range, only the lower 24 bits may be set, either directly or via a counter's preset attribute. Interrupts are not supported by this driver.

The base port addresses for the devices may be configured via the base array module parameter.



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