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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_CLOCK_FREQ
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_CLOCK_FREQ:
( CONFIG_M5206 ) && ( CONFIG_M5206e ) && ( CONFIG_M520x ) && ( CONFIG_M5249 ) && ( CONFIG_M527x || CONFIG_M523x ) && ( CONFIG_M5307 ) && ( CONFIG_M5407 ) && ( CONFIG_M54xx ) && ( CONFIG_COLDFIRE )
Define the CPU clock frequency in use. This is the core clock frequency, it may or may not be the same as the external clock crystal fitted to your board. Some processors have an internal PLL and can have their frequency programmed at run time, others use internal dividers. In general the kernel won't setup a PLL if it is fitted (there are some exceptions). This value will be specific to the exact CPU that you are using.
The configuration item CONFIG_CLOCK_FREQ:
Define the CPU clock frequency in use. This is the core clock frequency, it may or may not be the same as the external clock crystal fitted to your board. Some processors have an internal PLL and can have their frequency programmed at run time, others use internal dividers. In general the kernel won't setup a PLL if it is fitted (there are some exceptions). This value will be specific to the exact CPU that you are using.
The configuration item CONFIG_CLOCK_FREQ:
Define the CPU clock frequency in use. This is the core clock frequency, it may or may not be the same as the external clock crystal fitted to your board. Some processors have an internal PLL and can have their frequency programmed at run time, others use internal dividers. In general the kernel won't setup a PLL if it is fitted (there are some exceptions). This value will be specific to the exact CPU that you are using.
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