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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_CRYPTO_SM4_AESNI_AVX_X86_64
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_CRYPTO_SM4_AESNI_AVX_X86_64:
, sm4-aesni-avx-x86_64
Length-preserving ciphers: SM4 cipher algorithms (OSCCA GB/T 32907-2016) with ECB, CBC, and CTR modes
Architecture: x86_64 using: - AES-NI (AES New Instructions) - AVX (Advanced Vector Extensions)
Through two affine transforms, we can use the AES S-Box to simulate the SM4 S-Box to achieve the effect of instruction acceleration.
If unsure, say N.
The configuration item CONFIG_CRYPTO_SM4_AESNI_AVX_X86_64:
, sm4-aesni-avx-x86_64
Length-preserving ciphers: SM4 cipher algorithms (OSCCA GB/T 32907-2016) with ECB, CBC, CFB, and CTR modes
Architecture: x86_64 using: - AES-NI (AES New Instructions) - AVX (Advanced Vector Extensions)
Through two affine transforms, we can use the AES S-Box to simulate the SM4 S-Box to achieve the effect of instruction acceleration.
If unsure, say N.
The configuration item CONFIG_CRYPTO_SM4_AESNI_AVX_X86_64:
, sm4-aesni-avx-x86_64
SM4 cipher algorithms (OSCCA GB/T 32907-2016) (x86_64/AES-NI/AVX).
SM4 (GBT.32907-2016) is a cryptographic standard issued by the Organization of State Commercial Administration of China (OSCCA) as an authorized cryptographic algorithms for the use within China.
This is SM4 optimized implementation using AES-NI/AVX/x86_64 instruction set for block cipher. Through two affine transforms, we can use the AES S-Box to simulate the SM4 S-Box to achieve the effect of instruction acceleration.
If unsure, say N.
Raw data from LKDDb:
lkddb module sm4-aesni-avx-x86_64 CONFIG_CRYPTO_SM4_AESNI_AVX_X86_64 : arch/x86/crypto/Kconfig : "Ciphers: SM4 with modes: ECB, CBC, CTR (AES-NI/AVX)" # in 6.1–6.13
lkddb module sm4-aesni-avx-x86_64 CONFIG_CRYPTO_SM4_AESNI_AVX_X86_64 : crypto/Kconfig : "SM4 cipher algorithm (x86_64/AES-NI/AVX)" # in 5.15–5.19, 6.0, 6.0+HEAD
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