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CONFIG_DM_RAID: RAID 1/4/5/6/10 target

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_DM_RAID has multiple definitions:

RAID 1/4/5/6/10 target found in drivers/md/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_DM_RAID:

Help text

A dm target that supports RAID1, RAID10, RAID4, RAID5 and RAID6 mappings

A RAID-5 set of N drives with a capacity of C MB per drive provides the capacity of C * (N - 1) MB, and protects against a failure of a single drive. For a given sector (row) number, (N - 1) drives contain data sectors, and one drive contains the parity protection. For a RAID-4 set, the parity blocks are present on a single drive, while a RAID-5 set distributes the parity across the drives in one of the available parity distribution methods.

A RAID-6 set of N drives with a capacity of C MB per drive provides the capacity of C * (N - 2) MB, and protects against a failure of any two drives. For a given sector (row) number, (N - 2) drives contain data sectors, and two drives contains two independent redundancy syndromes. Like RAID-5, RAID-6 distributes the syndromes across the drives in one of the available parity distribution methods.

RAID 1/4/5/6 target found in drivers/md/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_DM_RAID:

Help text

A dm target that supports RAID1, RAID4, RAID5 and RAID6 mappings

A RAID-5 set of N drives with a capacity of C MB per drive provides the capacity of C * (N - 1) MB, and protects against a failure of a single drive. For a given sector (row) number, (N - 1) drives contain data sectors, and one drive contains the parity protection. For a RAID-4 set, the parity blocks are present on a single drive, while a RAID-5 set distributes the parity across the drives in one of the available parity distribution methods.

A RAID-6 set of N drives with a capacity of C MB per drive provides the capacity of C * (N - 2) MB, and protects against a failure of any two drives. For a given sector (row) number, (N - 2) drives contain data sectors, and two drives contains two independent redundancy syndromes. Like RAID-5, RAID-6 distributes the syndromes across the drives in one of the available parity distribution methods.

RAID 1/4/5/6 target (EXPERIMENTAL) found in drivers/md/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_DM_RAID:

Help text

A dm target that supports RAID1, RAID4, RAID5 and RAID6 mappings

A RAID-5 set of N drives with a capacity of C MB per drive provides the capacity of C * (N - 1) MB, and protects against a failure of a single drive. For a given sector (row) number, (N - 1) drives contain data sectors, and one drive contains the parity protection. For a RAID-4 set, the parity blocks are present on a single drive, while a RAID-5 set distributes the parity across the drives in one of the available parity distribution methods.

A RAID-6 set of N drives with a capacity of C MB per drive provides the capacity of C * (N - 2) MB, and protects against a failure of any two drives. For a given sector (row) number, (N - 2) drives contain data sectors, and two drives contains two independent redundancy syndromes. Like RAID-5, RAID-6 distributes the syndromes across the drives in one of the available parity distribution methods.

RAID 4/5/6 target (EXPERIMENTAL) found in drivers/md/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_DM_RAID:

Help text

A dm target that supports RAID4, RAID5 and RAID6 mappings

A RAID-5 set of N drives with a capacity of C MB per drive provides the capacity of C * (N - 1) MB, and protects against a failure of a single drive. For a given sector (row) number, (N - 1) drives contain data sectors, and one drive contains the parity protection. For a RAID-4 set, the parity blocks are present on a single drive, while a RAID-5 set distributes the parity across the drives in one of the available parity distribution methods.

A RAID-6 set of N drives with a capacity of C MB per drive provides the capacity of C * (N - 2) MB, and protects against a failure of any two drives. For a given sector (row) number, (N - 2) drives contain data sectors, and two drives contains two independent redundancy syndromes. Like RAID-5, RAID-6 distributes the syndromes across the drives in one of the available parity distribution methods.



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