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CONFIG_SBC_EPX_C3_WATCHDOG: Winsystems SBC EPX-C3 watchdog

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_SBC_EPX_C3_WATCHDOG has multiple definitions:

Winsystems SBC EPX-C3 watchdog found in drivers/watchdog/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_SBC_EPX_C3_WATCHDOG:

Help text

This is the driver for the built-in watchdog timer on the EPX-C3 Single-board computer made by Winsystems, Inc.

*Note*: This hardware watchdog is not probeable and thus there is no way to know if writing to its IO address will corrupt your system or have any real effect. The only way to be sure that this driver does what you want is to make sure you are running it on an EPX-C3 from Winsystems with the watchdog timer at IO address 0x1ee and 0x1ef. It will write to both those IO ports. Basically, the assumption is made that if you compile this driver into your kernel and/or load it as a module, that you know what you are doing and that you are in fact running on an EPX-C3 board!

To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module will be called sbc_epx_c3.

Winsystems SBC EPX-C3 watchdog found in drivers/char/watchdog/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_SBC_EPX_C3_WATCHDOG:

Help text

This is the driver for the built-in watchdog timer on the EPX-C3 Single-board computer made by Winsystems, Inc.

*Note*: This hardware watchdog is not probeable and thus there is no way to know if writing to its IO address will corrupt your system or have any real effect. The only way to be sure that this driver does what you want is to make sure you are running it on an EPX-C3 from Winsystems with the watchdog timer at IO address 0x1ee and 0x1ef. It will write to both those IO ports. Basically, the assumption is made that if you compile this driver into your kernel and/or load it as a module, that you know what you are doing and that you are in fact running on an EPX-C3 board!

To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module will be called sbc_epx_c3.



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