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CONFIG_SCSI_QLA_FC: QLogic QLA2XXX Fibre Channel Support

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_SCSI_QLA_FC:

Help text

This qla2xxx driver supports all QLogic Fibre Channel PCI and PCIe host adapters.

By default, firmware for the ISP parts will be loaded via the Firmware Loader interface.

ISP Firmware Filename ---------- ----------------- 21xx ql2100_fw.bin 22xx ql2200_fw.bin 2300, 2312, 6312 ql2300_fw.bin 2322, 6322 ql2322_fw.bin 24xx, 54xx ql2400_fw.bin 25xx ql2500_fw.bin

Upon request, the driver caches the firmware image until the driver is unloaded.

Firmware images can be retrieved from:

They are also included in the linux-firmware tree as well.



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