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CONFIG_WFX: Silicon Labs wireless chips WF200 and further

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_WFX has multiple definitions:

Silicon Labs wireless chips WF200 and further found in drivers/net/wireless/silabs/wfx/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_WFX:

Help text

This is a driver for Silicons Labs WFxxx series (WF200 and further) chipsets. This chip can be found on SPI or SDIO buses.

Silabs does not use a reliable SDIO vendor ID. So, to avoid conflicts, the driver won't probe the device if it is not also declared in the Device Tree.

Silicon Labs wireless chips WF200 and further found in drivers/staging/wfx/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_WFX:

Help text

This is a driver for Silicons Labs WFxxx series (WF200 and further) chipsets. This chip can be found on SPI or SDIO buses.

Silabs does not use a reliable SDIO vendor ID. So, to avoid conflicts, the driver won't probe the device if it is not also declared in the Device Tree.



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