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CONFIG_VBOXGUEST: Virtual Box Guest integration support

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_VBOXGUEST:

Help text

This is a driver for the Virtual Box Guest PCI device used in Virtual Box virtual machines. Enabling this driver will add support for Virtual Box Guest integration features such as copy-and-paste, seamless mode and OpenGL pass-through.

This driver also offers vboxguest IPC functionality which is needed for the vboxfs driver which offers folder sharing support.

If you enable this driver you should also enable the VBOXVIDEO option.

Although it is possible to build this module in, it is advised to build this driver as a module, so that it can be updated independently of the kernel. Select M to build this driver as a module.



Numeric ID (from LKDDb) and names (from pci.ids) of recognized devices:


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