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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_WILC1000_SDIO
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_WILC1000_SDIO:
, wilc1000-sdio
This module adds support for the SDIO interface of adapters using WILC1000 chipset. The Atmel WILC1000 SDIO is a full speed interface. It meets SDIO card specification version 2.0. The interface supports the 1-bit/4-bit SD transfer mode at the clock range of 0-50 MHz. The host can use this interface to read and write from any register within the chip as well as configure the WILC1000 for data DMA. To use this interface, pin9 (SDIO_SPI_CFG) must be grounded. Select this if your platform is using the SDIO bus.
The configuration item CONFIG_WILC1000_SDIO:
, wilc1000-sdio
This module adds support for the SDIO interface of adapters using WILC1000 chipset. The Atmel WILC1000 SDIO is a full speed interface. It meets SDIO card specification version 2.0. The interface supports the 1-bit/4-bit SD transfer mode at the clock range of 0-50 MHz. The host can use this interface to read and write from any register within the chip as well as configure the WILC1000 for data DMA. To use this interface, pin9 (SDIO_SPI_CFG) must be grounded. Select this if your platform is using the SDIO bus.
The configuration item CONFIG_WILC1000_SDIO:
, wilc1000-sdio
This module adds support for the SDIO interface of adapters using WILC1000 chipset. The Atmel WILC1000 SDIO is a full speed interface. It meets SDIO card specification version 2.0. The interface supports the 1-bit/4-bit SD transfer mode at the clock range of 0-50 MHz. The host can use this interface to read and write from any register within the chip as well as configure the WILC1000 for data DMA. To use this interface, pin9 (SDIO_SPI_CFG) must be grounded. Select this if your platform is using the SDIO bus.
Raw data from LKDDb:
lkddb module wilc1000-sdio CONFIG_WILC1000_SDIO : drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/Kconfig : "Atmel WILC1000 SDIO (WiFi only)" # in 5.9–5.19, 6.0–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
lkddb module wilc1000-sdio CONFIG_WILC1000_SDIO : drivers/staging/wilc1000/Kconfig : "Atmel WILC1000 SDIO (WiFi only)" # in 4.5–4.20, 5.0–5.8
lkddb of "" "" "microchip,wilc1000" : CONFIG_STAGING CONFIG_WILC1000 CONFIG_WILC1000_SDIO : drivers/staging/wilc1000/sdio.c # in 5.7–5.8
lkddb of "" "" "microchip,wilc1000" : CONFIG_WILC1000 CONFIG_WILC1000_SDIO CONFIG_WLAN CONFIG_WLAN_VENDOR_MICROCHIP : drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/sdio.c # in 5.9–5.19, 6.0–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
lkddb of "" "" "microchip,wilc1000-sdio" : CONFIG_STAGING CONFIG_WILC1000 CONFIG_WILC1000_SDIO : drivers/staging/wilc1000/sdio.c # in 5.5–5.6
lkddb of "" "" "microchip,wilc1000-sdio" : CONFIG_STAGING CONFIG_WILC1000 CONFIG_WILC1000_SDIO : drivers/staging/wilc1000/wilc_sdio.c # in 4.19–4.20, 5.0–5.4
lkddb sdio .. 0296 5347 : CONFIG_STAGING CONFIG_WILC1000 CONFIG_WILC1000_SDIO : drivers/staging/wilc1000/linux_wlan_sdio.c # in 4.2–4.4
lkddb sdio .. 0296 5347 : CONFIG_STAGING CONFIG_WILC1000 CONFIG_WILC1000_SDIO : drivers/staging/wilc1000/sdio.c # in 5.5–5.8
lkddb sdio .. 0296 5347 : CONFIG_STAGING CONFIG_WILC1000 CONFIG_WILC1000_SDIO : drivers/staging/wilc1000/wilc_sdio.c # in 4.5–4.20, 5.0–5.4
lkddb sdio .. 0296 5347 : CONFIG_WILC1000 CONFIG_WILC1000_SDIO CONFIG_WLAN CONFIG_WLAN_VENDOR_MICROCHIP : drivers/net/wireless/microchip/wilc1000/sdio.c # in 5.9–5.19, 6.0–6.13, 6.14-rc+HEAD
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